Author: Ilana Alderman

  • Sharing

    Can a 1-year-old share? What does it mean to share? How can we help a child turn into an adult who enjoys sharing? Here are some of my thoughts on sharing from ages 1 to 3. What is Sharing? Different behaviors get lumped under the label “sharing.” I think there are three main subtypes of…

  • 22 Tips for Teaching Your Toddler to Love Eating Vegetables

    How can we get toddlers to eat vegetables? I’ve noticed two main tactics parents use: one is to promise a dessert or other prize if the child eats her vegetables. Another is the old “sit at the table until you finish what’s on your plate,” –or a milder version of that which is nagging the…

  • Bone Broth Berry Smoothie

    Trust me.. This tastes really good!  Smoothies are great! They’re convenient, and small children love them.  I especially like them for helping my son with his constipation. Bone broth and berries are both good for moving things along. This recipe is a great way of rehydrating and nourishing a sick child. (Note: for diarrhea, increase…

  • Sprouted Quinoa Instant Pot Recipe

    Today I thought I’d share my simple sprouted quinoa recipe with you. I sprout my quinoa because it makes the flavor a lot more mild, and completely removes any bitterness. I like regular quinoa ok, but I LOVE sprouted, broth-cooked quinoa fried in butter and salt. Scroll down to see Eytan’s opinion of this quinoa……

  • 10 Tips for Helping Toddlers Be Comfortable with Nasal Spray

    Saline nasal spray. How I hate having to use it! When Eytan was a baby, I didn’t do much training with the saline nasal spray. I spent my time thinking up all sorts of fun activities to do with him. The days flew by. I didn’t plan much ahead for unpleasant tasks like spraying salt…

  • How to Make Dandelion Blossom Fritters with Your Toddler

    It’s dandelion season! This is the time to pick the freshest, youngest dandelions with your toddler and make dandelion fritters. Little ones from the age of 16 months and above love to pick and collect things. I love it, too! Look for dandelions with a short stem (they are younger) in an area that is…

  • Introducing myself

    Hi! I’m Ilana. I’m a mom and an animal behavior consultant. I aim to take stressful or scary situations for kids and turn them into favorite games that they actually look forward to. In this blog, I will share with you strategies I’ve come up with for gently guiding my son through various medical and…

  • 14 Tips for Brushing Your Toddler’s Teeth Without Tears

    When I began brushing my son Eytan’s teeth I made so many mistakes. I tried lots of things. Some worked, some didn’t. I had to get over a few setbacks when I rushed to “get it done” and forced it. Luckily, kids are resilient and I was able to learn from my mistakes. I decided…