How to Make Dandelion Blossom Fritters with Your Toddler

It’s dandelion season!

This is the time to pick the freshest, youngest dandelions with your toddler and make dandelion fritters. Little ones from the age of 16 months and above love to pick and collect things. I love it, too!

Look for dandelions with a short stem (they are younger) in an area that is free of pesticides. Look for new blooms that haven’t been under snow cover.

Show your child how to pick the blossoms by pinching right underneath the blossom. Show them how to put the blossoms in their basket, or in their hat.

Pick at least 20 blossoms.

At home, shake the dandelions onto a towel and lay them out for a while so all the tiny bugs that might be in there can escape. Shake the towel outside and set the bugs free.

You can double, triple, quadruple, or centuple this recipe. Just make sure there’s enough egg to drench the blossoms.

Let your toddler do as much as possible himself!


20-50 dandelions

1 egg

pinch of salt

Optional: grated parmesan


Beat an egg in a bowl with a little salt. If using parmesan, use it instead of salt.

Drown the dandelions in the egg so the blossoms are fully drenched.

Melt a large tablespoon of butter on a medium-high pan until it bubbles. You want the dandelions to quietly sizzle when they hit the pan.

Lower the heat to medium.

Fry the dandelions for a minute until lightly browned, and flip.

Cook for about 5-7 more minutes.

The egg will be cooked before the dandelions are cooked. Taste one when you think it’s ready. When dandelions are undercooked they’re a little bit bitter. For best chances of toddler-approval, cook thoroughly.

Serve on a plate.


Eat them all.


Bonus recipe: Dandelion latkes! In your Vitamix, combine your dandelions, one raw small potato (skin on), one egg, a little onion or green onion, and salt. Fry on a pan like pancakes.


One response to “How to Make Dandelion Blossom Fritters with Your Toddler”

  1. […] I love picking dandelions with Eytan and frying them with salt and eggs – click here to see th…. Dandelion blossoms are delicious. Eytan picked and helped cook his first batch last year, when he was just over 1 years old. Here he is at two, proud of his freshly picked pile of blossoms: […]


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